Job offers – Research positions in Machine Learning/Optimisation for Energy Systems

The research positions are about combining modelling, simulation, optimisation, and machine learning techniques in order to investigate several technical, economic and regulatory aspects induced by major upcoming changes in energy (and in particular, electricity) generation, transmission, distribution and consumption in the context of the Energy transition.

In particular, we are looking to fill several positions related to the design of algorithms for integrating renewable energy communities into distribution networks  and for modelling CO2 markets.

PhD candidates, post-docs or senior researchers with a strong interest in power systems and energy transition related challenges, as well as a strong background in applied mathematics, machine learning, programming and/or electrical engineering should consider applying for this position.

Research environment
The research project will be carried out at the University of Liège within the team of Prof. Damien Ernst (Website: )

Other details
The initial contract will be for 1 year, with a possibility for an additional 3-year extension. The position is compatible with our PhD programme and may lead to the defence of a PhD thesis within three to four years. The starting date is open to negotiation but we expect to hire a new researcher as soon as possible.

Please send a complete CV to Prof. Damien Ernst ( with as subject: Research position in  Machine Learning/Optimisation for  Energy Systems

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